In the landmark decision of Santiago v. Metro North Railroad, the Administrative Review Board held that Federal Rail Safety Act “Section 20109(c)(1) bars a railroad from denying, delaying, or interfering with an employee’s medical treatment throughout the period of treatment and recovery from a work injury.” The Administrative Review Board also held that a
whistleblower retaliation
Metro North Hit With Seven FRSA c(2) Violations
By Charlie Goetsch on
Posted in Federal Rail Safety Act, Railroad Injuries
Once again, the federal government is telling Metro North that its “discipline trumps safety” culture must change. OSHA’s Whistleblower Directorate has found Metro North violated subsection c(2) of the Federal Rail Safety Act in seven cases. In each case, the employee followed his doctor’s order to stay home because he could not safely perform his…
Federal Court Decision Analyzes “False” and “Late” Injury Reports
By Charlie Goetsch on
Posted in Federal Rail Safety Act
An important district court decision spells out how to analyze discipline based on allegedly "false" or "late" injury reports. And also you can add it to the growing list of cases rejecting the hapless "election of remedies" defense still being raised by railroads in Federal Rail Safety Act cases.
Election of Remedies
After Track Department…